Love, Joy, Peace...
Connection Card
First time guest please fill out this card so we can connect with you.
Decision Card
Let us know if you made a decision today.
Count the Cost
Please enter the total number of contacts you have made with individuals outside of the church. This includes actions such as inviting people to church, reaching out to those who haven't attended in three weeks or more, or having a conversation focused on sharing the gospel
Click her to watch a short video on how to download our churchtrac app.
If you have a prayer request, please feel free to share it with us. All requests will be emailed to the church prayer chain for it to be prayed for.

If you're not on the church prayer chain and would like to be please update your profile or let the church office know.
What We Believe
The Gospel:
Believe it- Live it- Share it
Give through PayPal on our website or click.
(If giving for specific ministry include information in note.)
Use the offering plate/box.
Mail your gift to the church.
Bring your offering during church office hours.
Visit our website!
Come and see
Click for more info
Welcome to Hope in the Valley Baptist Church!
Whether you're a first-time visitor or a regular attendee looking to make HVBC your home church, we're glad you're here. Here's a breakdown of the steps to becoming a member:
Fill out an Individual Record of Decision card (yellow decision card)
Profess a faith in Christ
Be baptized by immersion after salvation
Complete a pastoral interview
Attend the "Journey 1 – Steps to membership" class
Each of these five requirements are covered in-depth during the Journey 1 Class
AWANA Registration 2024-2025